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Insider Ownership

Name Relationship/Title Total Held
Abbasi Faraz Director 3,250
Augsburger Blake Director 16,263
BARTELS ROBERT E JR Director 27,776
Christian Darrianne P Director 8,150
Clark Kyra E Senior Vice President 7,596
Donovan James Rickard SVP, General Counsel 10,518
Gavin Michael E EVP & CCO 7,040
Hurford Jennifer M SVP & Treasurer 7,459
KUBACKI MICHAEL L Director 39,800
Lahrman Brok A SVP, Chief Accounting Officer 1,376
Leniski Stephanie R Senior Vice President 3,970
O'Neill Lisa M EVP & CFO 34,655
Ottinger Eric H Executive Vice President 36,475
PICHON EMILY E Director 17,538
Pruitt Kristin President 22,252
Robinson-Gay Donald Senior Vice President 3,174
ROSS STEVEN D Director 27,501
Smith Brian J Director 39,485
Steiner Jonathan P Senior Vice President 3,039
Toothaker Bradley J Director 23,263
WELCH M SCOTT Director 1,257

The table displays the number of non-derivative securities directly held by officers, directors and 10% shareholders as reflected in their most recent Section 16 filings.

* Represents ownership of less than 1% of total shares outstanding.

Data provided by Kaleidoscope.

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